Tag: depression

PTSD and Depression; What Are The Symptoms and Why You May Have It and Not Know It?

You’re feeling not so much yourself anymore. You have suffered a trauma, may it be in the form of war, a car accident, death or something evil that has happened to you that you just cant tell anyone about yet. Well I want you to know that you are not alone!

Please read on and if any of this hits home for you in any way, please seek help as you do not need to fight this battle all by yourself. I am here for you!


PTSD is a type of anxiety disorder. It can occur after one has experienced emotional trauma involving a threat of injury or death.

Health care providers do not know why traumatic events can cause PTSD in some people but not others. Genes, emotions and family environment may also play a role. Emotional traumas of the past may increase the risk of this disorder after a recent traumatic event.

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the change in the body’s response to stressful circumstances. Normally, after the event, the body recovers. Hormones and stress chemicals that the body releases during such an event returns to normal levels. For some reason, a person with PTSD, the body continues to secrete hormones and stress chemicals.

PTSD can occur at any age and after events, which can cause:

  • Aggression
  • Car accidents
  • Domestic violence
  • Imprisonment
  • Sexual assault
  • Terrorism
  • War

Some symptoms of PTSD

  1. Reliving the event; this can disturb daily activities
  • Flashback episodes, where the incident seems to be happening again and again.
  • Recurrent distressing memories of fact.
  • Repetitive nightmares.
  • Strong and annoying situations that remind you of the fact reactions.
  1. Evade:
  • Emotional numbness or feeling as if he/she did not care about anything.
  • The sense of indifference.
  • Unable to recall important aspects of the event.
  • Lack of interest in usual
  • Show less expression of moods.
  • Avoid people, places or thoughts that make you remember the fact.
  • Feeling of having an uncertain future.
  1. Thoughts and moods or negative feelings
  • Constant guilt about the fact, even survivor guilt.
  • Blaming others for what happened.
  • Inability to recall important parts of the event
  • Loss of interest in activities or others.

You can also have symptoms of anxiety, stress and tension:

  • Agitation or excitability
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Heartbeat sensation in the chest
  • Headache


It is an emotional disorder that makes the victim feel sad and listless, experiencing an inner discomfort and hindering their interactions with the environment.

It manifests from a series of symptoms such as mood swings, lack of enthusiasm, irritability and a feeling of anguish that goes beyond what is considered normal.

According to the clinical definition of this disease, depression is a disorder in the state of mind where feelings of deep pain, frustration, anger and loneliness appear to prevent the person from continuing with their normal lives for a period of prolonged time.

Depression post-traumatic

When a person has experienced or witnessed an event in life, physical and/or psychological integrity have been seriously threatened. We say that he/she has suffered a traumatic experience or stressful situation such as: death of a family member, or a friend, accidents (which we can leave one disabled), diseases, chronic financial difficulties, etc. These situations can cause symptoms of depression, which when sustained long term, can trigger chronic depression.

The solution to keeping depression away

To overcome depression, it is necessary to follow a medical treatment and/or psychological therapy. But the fear of many people who battle to overcome depression lies within him/her. There are fears, because once you’ve experienced depression, you have the advantage to already know the enemy, so you’re much more prepared to not suffer again.

To fight depression, to keep it away from your life, the people around you are as important as the work on personal development you should do for yourself. Stay away from toxic people that fill you with negativity and those in particular; emotional vampires who do not believe in your dreams.

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Don’t suffer alone!